Midwifery programs in Canada
There are six midwifery education programs offered across five of our provinces, ensuring broad accessibility throughout the country.
– The midwifery education program is a baccalaureate-level program, usually 3 to 4 years.
– There are currently six midwifery education programs available in Canada.
– Education programs are “direct entry”, which means that there is no nursing or other credential required for entry.
– After your program, you’ll be qualified to take the Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination (CMRE). Successfully passing the CMRE exam allows you to apply to register to work as a midwife anywhere in Canada.
Select your province / territory from the following map:
Highlighted provinces with midwifery education programs. Click on a province to learn more.
Bridging Programs for Internationally Educated Midwives
Bridging programs are specialized educational paths for internationally trained midwives seeking certification in Canada. They recognize international experience and provide the qualifications necessary to practice in Canada.
– International Midwifery Pre-registration Program- Toronto Metropolitan University
This is a 9-month part-time bridging program for qualified midwives educated outside of Canada. The IMPP is intended for experienced international midwives, fluent in English, who have practiced midwifery within the past ten years.
– The College of Midwives of Ontario offers a bridging program for internationally educated midwives to meet registration requirements in Ontario. More information about eligibility and applications can be found at
British Columbia
Internationally Educated Midwives Bridging Program- University of British Columbia
Based at the University of British Columbia. This 8-10 month orientation program provides a means by which internationally trained midwives can become registered for practice within B.C.
Certificat personnalisé en pratique sage‑femme au Québec
The UQTR provides midwifery training for midwives trained outside of Canada who seek recognition of their diploma or training to obtain a license to practice in Québec.
Upcoming Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination (CMRE) Dates
The CANADIAN MIDWIFERY REGISTRATION EXAMINATION (CMRE) is scheduled to take place on: L’Examen canadien de reconnaissance visant l’inscription des sages-femmes (ECRSF) est prévu pour:
- Thursday May 1, 2025
Deadline for registration – March 14, 2025 Withdrawal deadline – April 3, 2025
- Thursday October 30, 2025
Deadline for registration – September 8, 2025 Withdrawal deadline – October 2, 2025
- Thursday May 7, 2026.
Deadline for registration –March 12,2026 Withdrawal deadline – April 9, 2026
- Thursday October 29, 2026
Deadline for registration – September 8, 2026 Withdrawal deadline – October 1, 2026
The online registration form can be found here: https://cmrc-ccosf.ca/registration-exam
For more information, contact the CMRE Administrator:
Eligibility Criteria
The CMRE is open to candidates that meet one of the following criteria:
- Successfully completed or currently enrolled in good standing in the final term of a Canadian baccalaureate Midwifery Education Program approved or recognized by one of the provincial/territorial midwifery regulatory authorities;
- Successfully completed or currently enrolled in good standing in the final stage of a Canadian bridging or assessment program approved or recognized by one of the provincial/territorial midwifery regulatory authorities;
- A decision from a Canadian provincial/territorial midwifery regulator PLEA or assessment process that indicates they are approved to write the CMRE.
Note: Proof of eligibility must be provided by the education program, bridging program or by the provincial/territorial midwifery regulator where applicable.
Late registrations are not accepted
Canadian Midwifery Regulators Council/Le Conseil canadien des ordres de sages-femmes